of my fourth Somewhat Slanted Sweater.
I mean.
White fleece?
Spinning, plying and knitting as I go?
For months?
Lots of time on the road?
Talk about a grime magnet.
And who is going to wash her hands
every time she picks up
spindles or needles?
Well, maybe you.
Alas, not me.
so I can try it on all clean and blocked.
For some reason,
these somewhat slanted sweaters
fit quite differently before
and after
blocking --
esp the sleeves
which have a tendency
(knitter beware...)
so there is not much point in taking photos
until it has finished this growth spurt.
I'm amazed at how individual
each version is--
as individual, indeed,
as those that I've seen
made by other people.
been a fair few made
and I'm super excited
because the Somewhat Slanted pattern
and the Sarah-Dippity Skirt
now have their own Ravelry Pages.
so other versions can be linked.
I totally adore how she made an elegant wide neck
then added crochet cross straps
to keep the shoulders from sliding down.
is a thing I've been meaning to do for ages
and can't thank Vicki enough
for helping me make it happen--
and also the wonderful Ravelry team
for linking these two patterns
to patterns I've produced over the years
(for other publications).
my two weaving PDFs can't go there
(at least as far as I know),
and it may be because of this
that instead of process photos
of the new sweater,
this blog post has been taken over
by a wool and paper conspiracy:
making its sinuous way
up walnut dyed wool warp
with the full support and consent
of a bunch of used coffee filter yarn.
though as you may have noticed
my materials have no compunctions
about bossing me around,
and a four selvedge warp
can reduce me to a state
of worshipful acquiescence
every time.
But really,
who could resist being seduced
by such yarnish loveliness?
assuming the tapestry loom doesn't get bossy again,
I'll hopefully have a few photos
of the finished Somewhat Slanted Sweater
by next tuesday.
you too want to feel
the four selvedge magic,
(and are willing to take the risk of life take-overs)
Rebecca Mezoff and I
are having an unprecedented one day sale
on our online four selvedge warping class FRINGELESS.
The class will be 25% off on Monday, December 2nd, 2019.
The code is: AllFourSides
(fyi- Rebecca's other amazing classes are 15% off that day only
with the codeword: FyberMonday).
ps -- AND LOOK!
It's now Tuesday,
the sweater got dry,
and amidst all the things that I thought would keep me from blogging today
(why I wrote most of this yesterday),
I had time for a quick snap!
Mock Turtle Somewhat Slanted
+ a sliver of (one of my many) Sarah-Dippity skirts
= a warm and comfy outfit
for a busy day.